Friday, February 20, 2015

Carbon Cycle Board Game

In Indiana Earth Science students are required to know all of the different cycles of nature. After we do the water cycle we move on to the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous cycles.  The day after their test I had my students play this board game that I found on the Internet snooping around.

Go to this link from Arizona State University to get all of the materials. I do not have color printing so I had my assistants color them all in. Other things to look out for is on the game board the atmosphere is represented by two different clouds that are not attached.  This confused my students, so I just drew in an extra cloud.  Also, I would color code the playing cards to help keep track of them.  Have them play it at least 2 times before they start writing and recording their travels on the student sheet.  If you try to have them do it all at once, they will focus more on how to play the game than the information they are supposed to be keeping track of.  Overall a fun way to introduce the carbon cycle!

Let me know if you have any questions!

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